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Agile Leadership for Change - Open Course

Course Dates

Module One 5th & 6th November 2019

Module Two 10th & 11th December 2019

Are you curious to know more about agile leadership as a way of responding to and listening to customers?  Interested in finding out more about how you can lead more authentically?  Or how to build trust, collaborate and lead teams through change?

Then this 2+2 day Leadership Development Programme is for you!

The use of the phrase agile leadership has taken hold in the tech world but is relatively new idea in the world of organisational management and leadership.  Why is it becoming popular and what does it have to offer to you as a leader? 

This event seeks to answer these questions, as well as give you an understanding of what may help you develop more resilience and confidence in yourself and identify and create a development plan to address your own personal leadership challenges. In addition, we will also be considering ways to help you think more strategically about your business and how to respond to the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world we find ourselves in?

You will gain a deeper understanding of how the demands on leaders are changing right now, and help you develop an authentic way of working, through new insights and useful skills.

Who is this Workshop for?

Emerging Leaders who need to develop their self awareness and the interpersonal skills that will equip them for the futureOD, Talent and HR professionals, who are interested in promoting more agile authentic leadership practices within their organisationSenior heads or CEO’s of businesses who want time to develop better external and strategic awareness as a vital component of their leadership impactAny leader who is keen to learn alongside like minded individuals, develop their network across other business sectors and get challenged positively to make a difference in how they lead

Programme Content:

Module One - Day 1. Discovery getting to know your fellow delegates and exploring the twin topics of creating stability as a leader on the inside and agility as a leader on the outside.

Module One – Day 2.  Discussion about what the VUCA world means to you. Ways to respond and take a more strategic perspective. Identification and declaration of Personal Learning Goals

Between module one and module all delegates will be given access to the online Taylor Clarke 360-degree feedback questionnaire item library to collect feedback on a number key competency based leadership areas.

Module Two – Day 1. Feedback and review of learning. Leading teams through collaboration. Leading through change.

Module Two – Day 2. Group discussion and self directed learning on one of two topics agreed by the group. Action and impact analysis planning.

Post programme support is given by the opportunity for 1:1 coaching with one of our in-house psychologists or by joining an Action Learning Set along with a group of your fellow delegates where the first session will be facilitated by one of our experienced virtual action learning set facilitators

Course Details

Venue:  The Taylor Clarke Head Office, 4 Fitzroy Place, Glasgow, G3 7RH

Dates:        Module One 5/6 Nov 19

                  Module Two; 10/11 Dec 19

Timings:     First day; 0930-1800

                   Second day; 0830-1600

Price:          £3775 + VAT

Lunch and teas/coffees included

Workshop Facilitators:

Laurence Clarke is our Chief Consultant and has been training others in leadership skills for over 30 years.  He is head of our UK consultancy - training managers and coaching leaders in the private, public and third sectors. 

Jonty Leicester is a Principal Consultant, and Chartered Occupational Psychologist who has been designing and delivering in-house and public leadership development events for almost 3o years.


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