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Virtual Learning Hub

In response to changing needs for learning outside of the traditional classroom format, we have used our 30 years of experience and are we now designing and delivering a range of virtual learning offerings


  • Live & interactive

  • Build participant connections

  • Supported peer learning

  • Space for reflection 

  • Skills practice & feedback


All of our packages can be tailored so call us to talk about what works for you and your learners.

Virtual Learning Formats

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Short Sessions

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typically 60-90 minutes

present core concepts or models

invite reflection and sharing of how to apply at work

typically 2.5 to 3 hours

stand alone session

core concepts / models / how to tools

skills practice & feedback

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typically a series of 1.5 – 2 hour workshops

cover a breadth & depth of the subject area

develop participant connections and supported peer learning




1-1 coaching of 60-90 minutes

typically a series of 3 or 6 sessions

available via our Coaching Platform

Also available as an optional bolt on to workshops & programmes


Bespoke design

Delivery of intervention

Assess impact & outcomes

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