Women In Leadership
"I found this course insightful, challenging and enjoyable with a great mix of participants"
Aimed at:
Women in a senior management, leadership or professional advisor roles, within organisations or running your own business
You will benefit by:
Deepening your self-awareness of your 'presence' as a female leader; who you are and how you come across to others
Gaining confidence and self-belief to create the impact you want
Developing a greater ability to take up your leadership role in an authentic way
Achieving your professional goals through a greater ability to positively influence those you work with
The Programme will cover:
Styles of leadership - Exploring the archetypal ways women lead
Presence and confidence in leadership - Understanding what presence is & consider how you show up
Language use and power - Raising awareness on the language you use & recognizing your own habitual responses
Reframing limiting beliefs & adapting behaviour to have greater presence - Knowing where you are strong and where to make changes to have more impact. What to keep doing and/or stop doing.
Power of passion – Communicating with impact; practice and feedback.
This programme offers women a learning experience which:
Blends leadership theories and skills with women's life experiences
Harnesses the power of peer support and challenge in a conducive, women only learning environment
Provides a collaborative space for ideas and sharing perspectives