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Gerry Eckersley

Consultant & Coach

Qualifications: MA HRM, FCIPD, Post Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching

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Gerry is a highly skilled HR Professional with over 25 years leadership experience coupled with an academic teaching background.  She has increasingly specialised in organisational development consultancy and over recent years, has provided leadership and team development, HR Consultancy and executive coaching with clients across both private, public and not for profit sectors.

She enjoys supporting individuals and teams on their personal development journey and clients describe her as knowledgeable, warm and friendly with a pragmatic and customer-focused approach.

As a broader part of her portfolio, Gerry is an honorary lecturer with the University of Stirling, guest lecturer with the University of Glasgow and a Lay member of the Employment Tribunals (Scotland).

What makes her laugh? ‘It’s got to be the antics of my crazy kids….’

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