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Wendy Robinson

Consultant & Coach

BSc, MSc Applied Psychology, C.Psychol, Registered Psychologist (HPC) Occupational Psychologist, Accredited Coach.


Wendy is an experienced consultant, organisational psychologist, Executive Coach and facilitator.


She works skilfully with clients to enable real change to happen, for individuals, groups and the wider organisational system. Her 20+ years experience has covered both internal senior roles in L&D and OD, and external OD Consultancy. She has consulted to hundreds of organisations spanning the private, public and social enterprise sectors.


Wendy heads up Taylor Clarke’s R&D function, to which she brings specialisms in behavioural and social science interventions, learning transfer and training evaluation. She is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and has trained extensively in psychotherapy within the Transactional Analysis School. She is an Accredited Coach, and currently trains and supervises Executive Coaches.


What makes her laugh? 'Other peoples’ infectious laughter!'

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