Re-shaping your Values
Are your values working hard enough for you?
Values are a much revered lever for shaping and aligning a high performance culture. Repositioning organisations to “bounce forward” from the lockdown will benefit from a more clearly defined, communicated and aligned set of meaningful values.
This virtually facilitated programme help you review, evolve, realign and embed your values in a highly inclusive way that balances shaping from the top, with building from the bottom. The focus is on adapting existing people processes to ensure they fully support and accelerate the shift towards ownership of a re-shaped set of values that all employees can relate to, consistently interpret and lead to improved business performance.
Co-created modular programme for senior teams
Unite people around your purpose, strategy & business model
Lockdown learning
Shared expectations/beliefs
Compelling Vision
Meaningful “Draft” Values
“As is” Employee Survey
Honest validation conversations
Shared insight & focus
Engagement Plan
3 step road map
Behavioural framework
Role clarity
Validated Values
Embedding Plant
Identifying Key Levers
Embedding planning
Flexible approach working with peers
6 X 2.5 hr modules
Co-created, facilitated approach
"We now understand how our values drive performance and the importance of an inclusive approach to shape meaningful values from the top and build actionable values from the bottom”