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Leading Hybrid Teams

Leading Hybrid Teams: ’New Normal’ or ‘No Normal'


Exploring the new, yet ever-changing world of hybrid working. The why, the what and the how!


2020 saw a massive shift in the way most of us were forced to work. Often whole teams became virtual overnight and leaders had to adapt on the spot to a very different set of demands from both above and below. The lives of people managers (and those in HR, OD and Talent Management who support them) are constantly changing.  Some say we’re moving into the ‘new normal’, others call it ‘the next normal’, but we’ve concluded that, in reality, it’s probably safest to assume that there will be ‘no normal’.  Based on recent research, in this interactive session we’ll explore many of the aspects of managing hybrid teams that people managers can find challenging and give you the opportunity to share experiences and ideas. We will compare and contrast the pros and cons of different hybrid models and aim to help you and your fellow leaders explore how to make a hybrid approach work effectively for the individual, the team and the organisation.


A recent article by Clare Kelliher, professor of work and organisation at Cranfield School of Management also said that while many employees have experienced working exclusively remotely during lockdown, fewer would have experienced a mixed model of both remote and office-based working.


“New advantages and disadvantages [of hybrid working] may arise which may shape their views over time,” she said, warning of a real danger that a two-tiered workforce could emerge between those in the office and those working from home.


“In particular, it is important that line managers are given support to help them in setting up new working arrangements with their teams and that they think carefully about how communication and coordination in the team will work when some people are in the workplace while others are working remotely,” said Kelliher.




Who is it suitable for?


Leaders and those supporting leaders in organisations where a hybrid model is being used or considered as the way forward. The session will be of particular interest to those working in HR, OD and Talent Manager roles.


What will I learn?


By the end of this session, you will have:


  • Explored how some leading organisations are approaching Hybrid Working

  • Considered the pros and cons of a number of different hybrid working options

  • Looked at some of the key leadership enablers for effective hybrid working

  • Spoken to others about their Hybrid Working experiences and learning over the past year


What will the session cover?


  • Hybrid working models

  • How organisations are adapting to hybrid working

  • Tips and techniques for managing hybrid teams

  • Overview of online tools that can support hybrid working

  • Forum for discussion and sharing views and experience


This session aims to provide you with:

  • Thought-provoking recent research about what works and what doesn’t

  • A collaborative space for ideas and sharing perspectives with other leaders and professionals tackling similar challenges

  • Ideas to take away and try


What others have said about the session:


“I was already sold on the hybrid idea (think most of the managers in my team are ) - the second half about useful tools etc. was useful " - participant, Canon Medical Research Europe


“Great session; lots of confirming suspicions but also plenty of new angles” - participant, Canon Medical Research Europe


Dates and time

  • Leading Hybrid Teams: ‘New Normal’ or ‘No Normal’?
    Leading Hybrid Teams: ‘New Normal’ or ‘No Normal’?
    Tue, 22 Jun
    Virtual event via Zoom
    22 Jun 2021, 11:00 – 12:30 BST
    Virtual event via Zoom
    22 Jun 2021, 11:00 – 12:30 BST
    Virtual event via Zoom
    Exploring the new, yet ever-changing world of leading hybrid teams. Facilitated by David Mason & Sam Robertson
  • Leading Hybrid Teams: ‘New Normal’ or ‘No Normal’?
    Leading Hybrid Teams: ‘New Normal’ or ‘No Normal’?
    Wed, 09 Jun
    Virtual event via Zoom
    09 Jun 2021, 12:30 – 14:00
    Virtual event via Zoom
    09 Jun 2021, 12:30 – 14:00
    Virtual event via Zoom
    Exploring the new, yet ever-changing world of leading hybrid teams. Facilitated by David Mason & Sam Robertson
  • Leading Hybrid Teams: ‘New Normal’ or ‘No Normal’?
    Leading Hybrid Teams: ‘New Normal’ or ‘No Normal’?
    Thu, 03 Jun
    Virtual event via Zoom
    03 Jun 2021, 14:30 – 16:00
    Virtual event via Zoom
    03 Jun 2021, 14:30 – 16:00
    Virtual event via Zoom
    Exploring the new, yet ever-changing world of leading hybrid teams. Facilitated by Lyle English & David Mason



This is a live, virtual programme that will take place via Zoom. It is open to participants from any organisation. You will be sent your Zoom invitation in the week before the event.




Your investment for this session is £35 + VAT.


In-House workshop


We also offer this as an ‘in-house’ session, if you would like to discuss running one exclusively for your organisation, please contact


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